In this article there are two interesting remarks at page 4:
One obvious application of such a measure on the multiverse is in determining the probability of inflation, i.e., how likely is it that the universe started out in an inflationary state, within different models of the laws of fundamental physics.
The issue is how do you do that and how do you know what you do is correct.
One thing that is required is a clear mathematical description of what is inflation.
Immediate next:
This question is potentially an Achilles’ heel for inflation: if inflation is itself highly improbable, then it cannot be claimed to solve the classic cosmological fine tuning puzzles, of large-scale homogeneity, isotropy and flatness.
Again the same remark: How do you know that the calculation to calculate the probability of inflation is correct?
Suppose that the probability is high does that mean that the inflation theory is correct ?